Monday, June 15, 2020

100 word challenge

going to an aproa and seeing hundreds of people, people going to the sets people taking a lot and then it began. seeing people going left and right waiting to see what they have at the end. after 30 minutes of watching it finally the end, i think to myself that it was a waste of money, before it was the end i see them all start siting down like they were singing a song until i saw an elephant asking as to stay and collect there kids and saying thank you to as and then everybody started leaving it.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

100 word challenge

going to ancient history, as i walk past i see 4 men playing viola on the front step and in the entry of the place, after 30 minutes i look around the whole place and then left the place. waiting for 30 minutes for a friend i see a bag of lost loot, as i get closer a man yells at me saying "that's not yours leave it alone" after the man watching me for 4 minutes he goes away so i went as fast as i can to the bag and i see gold my face was in shock.

Monday, June 1, 2020

that's when i knew is should run

seeing a man stroking me, around a shop at school even when i play games at my house. everywhere i go i see him and that's when i knew i should run. running as fast as i can trying to get away from him. every time i take a corner i see him standing right in front of me, reaching into my pocket to grab my phone but it wasn't there, trying to get to the police station but every corner i go hes there standing with a giant smile on hes face laughing "he he he he he he"